12 is the least common multiple of 2, 3, 4, and 6.Also called lowest common multiple 12是2、3、4和6的最小公倍数也作westcommonmultiple
The least common multiple of several elements in a Euclidean ring 欧氏环中多个元素的最小公倍子
The matrix method for the least common multiple of integers 多个整数的最小公倍数的矩阵求法
A united method for greatest common factor and least common multiple in euclidean ring 欧氏环中最大公因子与最小公倍子的统一求法
Introduces the concept of least common right multiple matrix of integer matrices, and offers a method and some properties. 本文引进整数矩阵的右最小公倍阵的概念,并找出求法及有关性质。
A Application of the Least Common Multiple and Discourse Theorem 最小公倍数的一个应用&兼谈剩余定理
Greatest Common Divisor Matrix and Least Common Multiple Matrix 最大公因子矩阵与最小公倍数矩阵
In this paper, we get a seeking unified method of the least common multiple, the greatest common factor and coefficients polynomial by implementing elementary row transformation in a polynomial matrix. 利用矩阵的初等变换,给出了两个多项式的最小公倍式、最大公因式及其系数多项式的统一求法。
A united method for greatest common factor and least common multiple of two elements in Euclidean ring is given. 通过对欧氏环上矩阵的讨论,给出了欧氏环中两个元素的最大公因子与最小公倍子的统一求法。
Least common right multiple of integer matrices 整数矩阵的右最小公倍
The least common multiple is one of the basic content in elementary mathematics, generally refers to take the smallest of several number multiples of positive integer. 最小公倍数是初等数学中的一个基本内容,一般指取几个数公倍数中的最小正整数。